Want to use cool Confused text emoji (۵㇁۵)? Find over 100 different text emojis below. 《⁀⊙ゝ☉⁀》 Just click on any emoji to easily copy and paste it!
Hello friends ! are you searching for confused text emoji ? If yes, then you are on right page. Here you get an awesome collection of text emojis with thier true meaning. On this website 100+ different (⪀⌓⩿) confused face emoji, confused emoji meme (◎ㅅ◎;), confused emoticon, confused smiley face, confused text face (=⇀ꇴ↼=), confused face text smiley, etc. are given. You can confused emoji copy and paste ╚(⊙_☉)╝ with just one click. So, what are u waiting for ? 〈ಠ_ರೃ〉
Do want to copy these text emojis ? do you know how to copy and paste above emojis ? To copy above text emojis follow these simple steps.
1. Select your favorite text emoji from given.
2. Click on that text emoji. (•́ ⍨ •)
3. It will copied to your device clipboard. 〘゜。゜〙
4. Now you can paste copied emoji to desired location.